Warming Love
This dead feeling inside chills me to the bone Walking through this wilderness, my trek is made alone. There seems to be no one to stand by my side The voices in my head, do nothing but chide. Where are my friends who used to be All around, when my life had no responsibility? I relished that loose and carefree life But now circumstances, cut close bonds like a knife. People who were once counted on Are nowhere to be found, they are all gone. My soul is weary of these burdensome days Why does life so often seem like a maze? I wish I could find my way out Instead, so many days are filled with great doubt. But deep down in my soul I know That a peace from God will grow. Trusting in His perfect sovereignty I know He hears this sinners plea. He has pursued me when all others fail His grace it is violent, His love tears the veil. So when it s...