
Showing posts from September, 2015

Commonplace Monday

This is the first in a new series of posts. On Monday mornings I will be sharing short quips, sentences- perhaps as much as a paragraph- which I have collected in my various commonplace books and files. If I wrote down or recall where it came from I will certainly give attribution. But...sometimes I write down things and not where they came from. So if you see anything like that here and recognize it, that's what comment sections are for. Anyhow. Here's the first one: The logic of truth is so copious that it cannot be exhausted by mere mortals.     Carl Trueman 

When the clock strikes 3:00

Today (I'm sure it will be yesterday by the time I hit Publish) I turn twenty-five. That may not seem like much to many of you, for you passed it up long ago. Or you haven't yet, but to do so is a forgone conclusion. But it feels significant to me. Maybe it's because I'm the morbid type. Perhaps it's because I've known so many who didn't make it. It could be that I've never been able to imagine myself as being older than twenty-four. Or maybe it's just my megalomania at work blowing every aspect of my life out of proportion. But I wanted to pause here, and reflect on twenty-five things I've learned in these years. The order is completely stream-of-consciousness, which at this time of night can be...scattered.  Life is short. Like a mist. Here today and gone...well, today.  Because life is short, every second counts. Which doesn't mean every second must be filled with frenetic activity, but it does mean that one should pause and evalu...

Is He sovereign or do I choose?

The sovereignty of God over all things, the ruling of Christ the Lord over all the universe: these are not facts which negate the responsibility we have as volitional creatures to make rational decisions for which we will be held accountable.

Free College

There has frequently, throughout my lifetime at least, been a cry for free (or significantly cheaper) college education. While I'm not sold on that being a good idea, here is a thought that popped into my head one day, that may seem ludicrous to you. It may, in fact, be ludicrous. It's certainly just the beginning of an idea. But here goes. What if we were to take the money which the federal government spends on education at all levels (pre-K, elementary, high school, college), and funnel that all toward funding universities. Then take the state money currently heading to education at all levels, and redirect it toward funding and expanding community colleges, perhaps engulfing the final two years of high school (or all of high school?) into that system. Finally, make k-8th or 10th grade the responsibility solely of parents, local counties, municipalities, churches, etc. I realize that most people who see this will wonder what I smoked as I typed. But I believe if education in ...


Ambivalence. Questioning. Lack of surety. Phrases and words such as these seem to describe many Americans relationship to abortion.  Look at those videos ? Eh, I couldn't do that...Facebook beckons me away... Well, okay. Now I've watched them...but what can I do? I'm one person, and I can only control me. Not Planned Parenthood. Not the Federal Government. Not the millions of parents who have their children killed every year. Just me. And that doesn't seem like much.  So many people vacillate over whether they are "pro-life" or "pro-choice," caught in the web of the great American lie: shouldn't women have the right to choose ? Who am I to tell someone how to live?  Allow me to offer a suggestion: it's not impeding upon anyone's rights to insist that killing their child is a bad option. An immoral option. An option which, in the long run (an likely even the short run), they will deeply regret.  How can our ambivalence remain as...

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