
Showing posts from January, 2022

What They Actually Teach

This post is in regard to some of the misinformation spread by the recent film, "Enemies Within the Church." Rather than giving a thorough point-by-point rebuttal, what I want to do is point out this fact: what truth there was in the film was so mixed with error and misinformation as to make it of little value, and dangerous. Below I have compiled some resources which will be useful for finding out what some of those who were slandered in the film actually teach  with their own words, in context. Sam Alberry & Russell Moore & Jackie Hill Perry This is a super helpful conversation: Albert Mohler: The Modern Self-   Critical Theory-   Marriage-   The Battle for Ideas-   Socialism-   Abortion- https://alb...

Figs and the Kingdom

  Photo by Martin Angelov on Unsplash [the footnotes won't copy into blogger for me, most of the good ideas aren't mine, the Bibliography is attached] Introduction One of the key elements of teaching on the kingdom of God in Scripture is the use of symbol, metaphor, and parable. One need only read the 13th chapter of Matthew to find comparisons made between the kingdom and  a sower and the fruitfulness of his work ,  a sower who sows good seed and received a mixed harvest ,  the seeming insignificance of a mustard seed ,  the slow work of yeast ,  the value of hidden treasure and a pearl ,  and a net thrown into the sea which pulls back a varied catch . One recurring symbol in biblical teaching, coming up in the prophets, and then again in the teaching of Jesus, is the fig tree. The purpose of this paper is to examine some key uses of fig imagery in both the Old and New Testaments, and then to draw theological conclusions for how we might understand th...

R. C. Sproul: A Life

  R. C. Sproul: A Life by Stephen J. Nichols My rating: 4 of 5 stars Sproul is a five-star subject, and this is a very thorough biography. Nichols' prose style doesn't live up to the subject of his writing, which was a little disappointing - but may also be an unfair standard. I listened to an audio version, which in a few places subbed out the narrator for original R.C. audio (most wonderfully, his final two sermons in the Appendix). View all my reviews

In the Cross I Glory

  Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash Colossians 2:13-15, "And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, triumphing over them in him." (English Standard Version) How do you see the cross? Do you look at it and see a place of defeat? Does it seem like the great tragedy of history? Paul tells us in Colossians 2 that the only defeat that day was suffered by Satan and his hordes. Not Christ. He triumphed at the cross. There he took the plan that Satan, and Judas, and the chief priests, and all the enemies of God meant for evil, and he turned them upside down. Instead of being defeated by death, he stole its power. "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the l...

How Sharp Are These Lines?

Photo by  Keyur Nandaniya  on  Unsplash   In an article for the Calvin Theological Journal titled, “Just what do you mean-Kingdom of God?” (Volume 51 (2), 2016) , John Bolt quotes Richard Niebuhr, who contested that “the distinguishing characteristic of the” Protestant Reformation was the kingdom of God. In Niebuhr's view, this difference comes down to the “contrast between visio dei and regnum dei.” Or, in English, the vision of God and the reign of God. While I wonder about the historical validity of such a claim - it would seem to me that doctrines such as the perspicuity of Scripture and justification by faith are far more central to the Reformation project - it did make me ask a question. Why would there need to be any conflict between the idea of living under God's rule and having a vision of who he is? Should we not long to “see the King in His Beauty?” (Isaiah 33:17) Surely we can only see him if we are right with him. At the same time, living under the rul...

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