
Showing posts from August, 2022

Review: Christian Ethics by Geisler

  Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options by Norman L. Geisler My rating: 3 of 5 stars The first section, laying out various ethical systems, is helpful and clear. The second section, less so. The appendices on drugs and birth control were virtually worthless in terms of argumentation and intellectual rigor. But I'll probably keep the book as a reference for that first section. The prose is accessible and clear. View all my reviews

Review: Ernest Hemingway on Writing (Edited by Phillips)

  Ernest Hemingway on Writing by Larry W. Phillips My rating: 4 of 5 stars Lucid, clear, if somewhat idiosyncratic, advice. As it is drawn from his work and letters across his career, it's interesting to see how his opinions develop or stiffen in certain areas. It was fun and easy to read. I also have a feeling that Hemingway would have hated it. View all my reviews

Review: Anxious People by Backman

  Anxious People by Fredrik Backman My rating: 4 of 5 stars 4.5ish. Backman's writing is worth five stars, his ability to take you inside the skin of each of the characters and laugh and cry and feel queasy under the skin right with each of them is simply brilliant. This story wasn't as strong as the others I've read from him, which is why I bring it back down to a four. That said, I couldn't put it down (almost literally) for the final 120 pages. "It just hurts so much at times, being human." (98) "Limes seemed to be such a popular adornment at apartment viewings that it's tempting to think that if real estate agents were banned, the surface of the earth would become covered with such a thick layer of limes that only young people with very small knives and an inexplicable fondness for Mexican beer would survive." (129) "When snow arrives autumn has already done all the work, taking care of all the leaves and carefully sweeping summer awa...

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