God With Us
I wrote this the other night as I stood overlooking the lake as the sun went down. Just one of those things that stirs my affection for Christ. Psalm 19:1-3 (ESV) "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard."
The still lake waters rest,
and I tonight, have been their guest
The calm and rippling surface tells
of my Lord, Emmanuel
Who in beginning, from on high
separated surface from the sky
He who made the seas
which stretch beyond what I can see
He who crafts the rivers rush
And with this mighty power could crush
This minuscule rebellious man
who has spit on God's good plan
And yet He chooses not to kill
but instead, my heart He stills
He satisfies my longing heart
His love is one that never parts
This true and everlasting Word
who's living water has secured
For me, eternal grace and trust
He is, Emmanuel, the God with us.
The still lake waters rest,
and I tonight, have been their guest
The calm and rippling surface tells
of my Lord, Emmanuel
Who in beginning, from on high
separated surface from the sky
He who made the seas
which stretch beyond what I can see
He who crafts the rivers rush
And with this mighty power could crush
This minuscule rebellious man
who has spit on God's good plan
And yet He chooses not to kill
but instead, my heart He stills
He satisfies my longing heart
His love is one that never parts
This true and everlasting Word
who's living water has secured
For me, eternal grace and trust
He is, Emmanuel, the God with us.
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