Weather Commentary

Rain drops falling hard and fast
It seems that spring has come at last

The old barn boards grey with age
Here sit and soak up another page

Another season that has come and gone
This last Winter didn't really stay too long

Right now the creek out front is overflowing
Where has gone the sun with it's warm glowing

I suppose we'll see it more around July
We might even see ninety for a high

But honestly I sure do like the rain
It seems in a way to melt the pain

The downpour on my roof is soothing
When my heart it seems beyond amusing

Yes there is a reason for all sorts of weather
Perhaps the sunshine would not be better

I know that you my friend may prefer it
But that I fear is by no means a deterrent

To me from thanking God for the damp
Cold soggy air as I sit by my lamp

I love that sound of rushing water
Even if my friends it does bother

So let's enjoy and soak it up while it lasts
For we know that all these times will pass


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