Life as Worship

Why a Worship Conference? Because the word "worship" is one of the most used and least understood words in all of Christian jargondom. While there are many aspects of Worship that we won't even begin to touch, my hope is that by focusing on a few implications of Romans 12:1 that we will be able to better understand what we mean when we talk about worship, and will thus be in a better position to actually worship God with our lives. 

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. (Romans 12:1, ESV)

Life as Worship Conference
Hosted by: South Lake Youth Ministries, Inc.

The goal of this conference is the equipping of students, church members, and all people to worship God in all of life. We desire to introduce Christians to an idea of worship that is broader than simply singing in church on Sunday morning (as important as that is!).

Friday, May 24th:
6:30- An Introduction to Worship: Will Dole
What is worship? Is it possible to worship God with all of my life, or is this an activity restricted to church buildings?
7:20- Break
7:35- Music as Worship: Levi Kilian
If music and singing are not the sum total of what worship means, what role do they play?
8:25- Corporate Worship in Singing and Prayer

Saturday, May 25th:
9:00- Work as Worship: Pastor Dave Donnerberg
What does it mean to work as unto the Lord, rather than men? How can we worship God in the seemingly mundane activities of work (and school)?
9:50- Break
10:10- Family Life as Worship: Pastor Brian Primer
How do I worship God in my role as parent, spouse, or child? What is unique about these relationships that allow us to display God’s glory to the world?
11:00- Break
11:15- Art as Worship: Karey Stivers
What role does artistic expression play in lives of believers, both individually and corporately? Should Christians be primarily concerned with self expression or expression of transcendent truth through the use of the arts?
12:05- Break for Lunch
1:15- Reading and Writing as Worship: Will Dole
How can reading and writing help me worship God, and how can I worship God in these activities?
2:05- Break
2:15- Q & A
We will take written questions throughout, and attempt to answer a few of them during the Q&A session at the end.
3:00- Closing Song and Prayer

Plummer Bible Church, 1090 D St, Plummer, ID 83851

Date and time:
Friday May 24th, 6:30 PM - 9 PM and
Saturday May 25th, 9 AM - 3 PM.

Adult rate: $25 if registered before May 15th, $30 at the door.
Student (under 18) rate: $15 if registered before May 15th, $20 at the door.

We are welcoming anyone with a desire to know God more, and seeking to glorify Him in all their life. Lower student rates are offered because SLY has a particular heart to see young people transformed by the Word of God, and we want to make these resources as easily accessible for them as possible.

Food and Accommodations:
There will be a soup and sandwich lunch served at the church on Saturday, free of charge. Individuals are responsible for all other meals.
For those traveling from out of town and needing a place to stay, please be sure to contact us by the 15th and we will go over possible accommodations.

While a few hours in not even close to what it would take to thoroughly cover this topic, our hope is that we will give believers a grander picture of what worship is than the one our modern church culture has painted for them. We hope to give practical application through the sessions, focusing on matters of everyday life.

Contact info for registration, questions, or comments:

South Lake Youth Ministries
Attn: Will Dole
Po Box 363
Plummer, ID 83851 (208)699-9795


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