Smell Some Interest
“There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting
subject, the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.” GK
Chesterton makes this statement in his book Heretics, precursor to the more
well-known Orthodoxy. I love reading
Chesterton for the simple fact that he is incredibly engaging, both in his
fiction and non-fiction writings. He says things in a way that forces you to
think, to re-shift your paradigms. This statement is no exception.
No uninteresting subjects
Nothing in this world is truly uninteresting. There is
something fascinating about any subject you might take up. There are, no doubt,
things which you may or may not have a greater interest in as compared to
others. However, that does not mean those things which you take less interest
in are uninteresting. There is a reason that some people (like my friend
Kilian: study mathematics. There is a reason
some people study science. There is a reason some people obsess over sports.
There is a reason that some people live for art. These things may, to me, range
somewhere between the painfully boring and the mildly interesting. But other
people are gripped by them. Not because they are freaks, but because there is
something in each of these subjects which they find compellingly attractive,
enjoyable, and interesting.
This is Biblical
We read in Psalm 19:1-3 that,
“The heavens declare
the glory of God,
and the sky above
proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out
and night to night reveals
There is no speech,
nor are there words,
whose voice is not
Creation itself pours forth speech and every corner of the
earth reveals knowledge concerning our God. You cannot look at anything and say
“There is no sign of God here.” Even that which the Christian might describe as
evil, wrong, or sinful will carry “pointers.” Satan cannot create out of
nothing as God does, everything he does is a thievery, a copy, a shadow, or a
misuse of what God has given and created. Which means there is always present a (distorted)
picture of good.
Furthermore, to approach it from a slightly different angle,
everything carries interest because everything is, in some manner, important.
Jesus hints at this in Matthew 10:29-30, “Are not two sparrows sold for a
penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But
even the hairs on your head are all numbered.” God knows and cares about a bird
that falls. He knows and cares how many hairs are on my head. There is not one
tiny detail in all of creation that is unimportant to God. He rules over it
all, displays his power in governing it all, and shows his love to and through
it all.
Only uninterested persons
This is often me. I am often the uninterested person,
missing the sound of birds singing, leaves shifting colors, or my baby smiling.
This has always been a temptation for man, obviously Chesterton was familiar
with it and he was writing over 100 years ago. But I believe the danger may be
stronger today. We live in an extremely over stimulated and under observant
culture. We miss life happening around us, but think we are “connected” because
we are constantly in touch with Facebook, Pintrest, Twitter, and Instagram.
Cell phones seem to permanent appendages. Those things above which perhaps
seemed compelling, interesting, and enjoyable are overshadowed by ever-present, ever-interesting, ever-fun
technology. Folks often lament these things, but I think we miss one of the
biggest dangers. The need for constant screen stimulation from phones, TVs, and
computers develops in us an inability to take interest in things that don’t
flash or shout for our attention. Our children only capture our focus upon the
thousandth "mommy" or "daddy" or when the screaming hits a pitch we simply can’t ignore.
Church loses our interest because to join in corporate singing (especially from
a hymnal!) and then listen to someone preach for 30 or 40 minutes is more
boredom than we can stand. We hate our jobs because we only think about how
they interfere with what we really desire to pursue, like watching the game or catching up our Jersey Shore re-runs. We don’t have time for
investing in real relationships because there are recipes to Pin and The Voice
is only on once a week, you know.
How would your life change if you were to wake up and smell
the proverbial roses…and maybe the literal ones, too? What if we focused intentional
time with our kids so that they knew we cared? What if we went on a date with
our spouse, and instead of relying on the fanciness of the restaurant or the
flowers we bought to make her happy, we were to divert or interest away from
the iPhone and into her eyes? What if we quit approaching a church service like
something we attend to suffer through and more like the gathering of the people
of God to hear his holy word? What if we pursued excellence in our work and, to
steal a line from Jon Acuff, fell in like with a job we may not love? What if
we started being interested in life? I think if even 5 percent of us made that
change, in a slow but steady fashion, the world would flip upside down.
Marriages, churches, families, workplaces, all of life would be affected. So wake
up. Smell the roses.
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