10 Influences
I read an interesting list today from Drew G. I. Hart over at the Christian Century on 10 books that had "stuck" with him (you can read that piece here: http://www.christiancentury.org/blogs/archive/2014-09/10-books). I thought posting a list of my own would be fun. Bear in mind that my reading is fairly narrow and some books have, I'm sure, made impacts on me that I do not consciously notice or remember, making these lists far more fun than useful. But they are fun.
In no particular order:
1. The Holiness of God: R.C. Sproul
2. Don't Waste Your Life: John Piper
3. The Great Divorce: C.S. Lewis
4. Bonhoeffer: Eric Metaxas
5. Future Grace: John Piper
6. Lasting Valor: Vernon Baker
7. A Sweet and Bitter Providence: John Piper
8. Surprised by Joy: C.S. Lewis
9. Radical: David Platt
10. Systematic Theology: Wayne Grudem
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