Commonplace Monday #16

Commonplace Monday is a series of post wherein, on Monday mornings, I share short quips, sentences -perhaps as much as a paragraph- which I have collected in my various commonplace books and files. If I wrote down or recall where it came from I will certainly give attribution. However, sometimes I write down things and not where they came from. So if you see anything like that here and recognize it, that's what comment sections are for. Anyhow. Here's this week's installment:

Sincerity is not sufficient. 



  1. I understand the unknown authors intent in this statement... but at the same time it downplays the importance of sincerity, in my opinion... making it an unworthy statement. Many known authors inspired by God talk of the importance of a sincere heart, sincere faith, sincere love. The word sincere has the meaning of unfeigned / undisguised. A sincere faith, then, would be sufficient.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I would have to push back a little on it, though, and stand by the validity of sincerity's insufficiency. A sincere faith is certainly not sufficient, for there must be faith in something. And if the object of the faith is insufficient, then it will not matter at all how sincere the faith is. Thanks again for taking the time comment.


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