Where Did I Come From?

  Preface: This isn't "writing" per se, this is the first of three posts that will be lesson outlines from the VBS our church is conducting this week. The titles are, Where Did I Come From?, Am I Important, and How Can I Be Okay? My hope in sharing is that if you work with kids, or simply are interested in answering these questions for yourself, you will be edified.

Where Did I Come From?

  • Have you ever wondered where you came from? Who made me?

  • What’s our memory verse? Genesis 1:1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

  • Can you name some things God made?

  • He made everything, stars and trees, elephants and bees, the stars and your knees!

  • But did you know he didn’t make it all at once? Gen 1:2

  • Does anyone know what void means? Empty. But he was there

  • Do you know what happened next? God did 2 things: form, and fill

  • Form: 1, Light/Dark (eyes open/close); 2 water/sky (swim/jump action); 3; water/dry land (swim/pump arms)

  • Fill: 4, Lights (can you name lights in the sky?); 5, (what goes in the air and the water?) can you name your favorite bird or fish?; 6, (what belongs on the land?) what’s your favorite land animal?

  • Do you know what God said the most important part of his creation is? People! Gen 1:26

  • People are supposed to take care of God’s creation and rule over it kindly. 

  • Do you have any pets? How do you take care of them? 

  • That’s how we’re supposed to relate to all of creation: loving rule, like God would take care of it.

  • But how do we know how he would take care of this world?

  • The Bible! The Bible is God’s letter to teach us what he is like, and what he wants us to know. The Bible teaches us how to live.

  • Big lesson: who made everything? God! Who made you? God! So, if God made us, who is in charge of us? God! 

    • Who made me? God made me! (x3)

    • Who’s the boss? God is! (x3)


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