Review: Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger


Ordinary GraceOrdinary Grace by William Kent Krueger
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I wish I could give it 3.5, or 3.75. The prose is 4, sometimes five. The story is a solid four, though the plot becomes pretty predictable and I saw the end coming with 12 chapters still to go. There were portions that I found wholly unnecessary. But there were enough interesting subplots to keep me interested.

Probably the most gripping thing about this book was the way he circled around this idea of the awful grace of God. It only receives brief mentions directly, but the concept pervades the feel of the book, and I found it...I'm struggling for how to explain the way I felt about it. Helpful isn't the right word, but neither is enjoyable. Moving conjures the wrong image. It'll stick with me.

A grace we can't understand. A grace beyond comprehension. A grace that penetrates the ordinary.

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