Review: Ploductivity, by WIlson

Ploductivity: A Practical Theology of Tools & WealthPloductivity: A Practical Theology of Tools & Wealth by Douglas Wilson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“My optimism about tools and technology is, at bottom, an optimism about the future history of the world. And that, in its turn, is an optimism that is grounded on the fact that at the darkest point of human history, God in the flesh was crucified by arrogant sinners, by all the important people. Three days after that, the Lord came back from the dead. That means the old world has been overthrown. How could that world not be overthrown? That world is dead because its only power was death, and we serve a Lord who went into death’s maw, and then came out again. That is the ultimate plot turn. That is the central fact of all human history.” (Pg 103)

I’m exceedingly inclined toward the technophobia that Wilson rails against in this book. This was a helpful counterweight to my inclinations, and I’m thankful for it. It’s Wilson, so the style is breezy and a blast to read. It was written in a plodding manner, and occasionally that shows up in chapters that feel a little disjointed - like maybe they were written 100 words at a time…

On the whole, this is a book that I highly recommend. Wilson will say the whole thing hangs in his eschatology, which I don’t buy. But it does hang on the real and present Lordship of Christ over all things, and as Wilson helpfully reminds the reader, Jesus is Lord. Like, right now. So chill out, and enjoy, with glad suspicion, the wealth He has given.

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